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Students are referred to the School Counseling office for a variety of personal and academic reasons.  Referrals can come from Ridgeview staff, parents, or students.

Parents/Guardians can refer their child for individual or group counseling by contacting Mrs. Pfeifer through email or by phone at 997-7321 or 990-3267 to discuss needs of their child.  Students can self-refer by using the "I Would Like To See My School Counselor" form.


The role of the professional school counselor regarding confidentiality is:
  • To support the students’ right to privacy and protect confidential information received from students, the family, guardians and staff members
  • To explain the meaning and limits of confidentiality to students in developmentally appropriate terms 
  • To provide appropriate disclosure and informed consent regarding the counseling relationship and confidentiality 
  • To inform students and the family of the limits to confidentiality when:
  1.  the student poses a danger to self or others 
  2. there is a court-ordered disclosure • consulting with other professionals, such as colleagues, supervisors, treatment teams and other support personnel, in support of the student 
  3. privileged communication is not granted by state laws and local guidelines (e.g., school board policies) 
  4. the student participates in group counseling 
  5. substance use and treatment are concerns (CFR 42, Part 2; 2017) 
  •  To communicate highly sensitive student information via face-to-face contact or phone call and not by e-mail or inserting into the educational record 
  • To request to a court of law that a student’s anonymity be used if records are subpoenaed 
  • To be aware of federal, state and local security standards related to electronic communication, software programs and stored data 
  • To advocate for security-level protocols within student information systems allowing only certain staff members access to confidential information
  • To assert their belief that information shared by students is confidential and should not be revealed without the student’s consent 
  • To adhere to all school board policy and federal and state laws protecting student records, health information and special services (i.e., HIPAA, FERPA, IDEA) 
Parents and Confidentiality
The professional school counselor:
  • Respects the inherent rights and responsibilities of parents for their children and endeavors to establish a collaborative relationship with parents to facilitate the counselee’s maximum development.
  • Adheres to laws and local guidelines when missing parents experiencing family difficulties that interfere with the counselee’s effectiveness and welfare.
  • Is sensitive to cultural and social diversity among families and recognizes that all parents, custodial and non-custodial, are vested with certain rights and responsibilities for the welfare of their children by virtue of their role and according to law.
  • Informs parents of the counselor’s role with emphasis on the confidential nature of the counseling relationship between the counselor and counselee.
  • Provides parents with accurate, comprehensive, and relevant information in an objective and caring manner, as is appropriate and consistent with ethical responsibilities to the counselee.
  • Makes reasonable effort to honor the wishes of parents and guardians concerning information that he/she may share regarding the counselee.